Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Studio 21, Morgan Block Building, 1000 Harris #6, Bellingham, WA

Here I am in the studio...this was taken a little over a year ago, in my old studio.  I don't have quite as much wall space in my new studio, but the windows are great and the view of the water lovely. If you are interested in making art with me or writing with me, please call or email: wildcanyons@msn.com  I'd be happy to set up individual time or to arrange an art party with your friends.  Six to eight seems to be a good number.  We can make books or collages or multi-media boxes. Or we can have a journal writing workshop...it's a great experience working together. Let me know...   Happy New Year!

Photo Credit Ann Marie Cooper

Journal Workshop Coming this Spring

Happy New Year!  2014 is going to be a good year for integration...male and female energies join together within each of us.  I'm following the astrological forecasts and the strength penetrating us now can be projected or owned.  My advice, let go of petty seeming injustices and live in the now. What we want in life will embody us...from a place of strength and truth.  It's written in the stars. Here's a little piece from my Italy journal.  This is good...combining male and female into one being. 

From Italy Journal

Sunday, December 15, 2013

New Work

Cottonwoods, 18" x 25", sumi on rice paper, 495.00

Fall Alders, 12 x12, SOLD

In the Giant's Garden 14"x14", 395.00

Lilies and Shadows SOLD

Spider Lily 14"x 14" Acrylic on Canvas 395.00

Studio 21

I'm standing in the doorway of my studio...#6, in the Morgan Block Building.  It's where I paint and where I hold writing practice.  I'm open to the public by appointment...710-7139.  Call me and we'll set up a time.

Lucia Douglas Gallery Opening January 30th, 5-7

Alders on Padden 24 x24

Lucia Douglas Gallery will be showing my work and the work of two other artists in February.  Be sure to mark your calendar and come to the opening January 30th, Thursday 5-7.  I have my back up job teaching starting at 6:30...so will only be able to attend from 5-6.  See me then at 1415 13th St, Bellingham, WA 98225
(360) 733-5361


The Hair Art Gallery

Opening at The Hair Art Gallery, December 6th.  Show runs through December.  The salon is right next to the old museum on Prospect.

Sunday, November 10, 2013
